In 1976 I met my first wife, Nikki. She had a siamese cat, Ming, who ate only boiled liver (freshly boiled liver I might add) until he temporarily moved in with me into my apartment in Chicago before Nikki and I married. I flat out told Nikki I would not feed him boiled liver. There was an A&P across the street and each night I would go buy three different cans of Nine Lives. I would open them all, and put three lumps of food on a plate noting the location of each. He would ignore them all...but I didn't care, he was only a cat. On the third night one of the lumps was gone and he only occasionally had boiled liver after that. Ming passed away in the early 1980s.
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Ming in San Jose, CA in 1981 |
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Casey in Highland Park, IL in 1985 |
I credit Casey with keeping me sane when I got my divorce. She was a smiling face when I would get home from work. She also was a great wingdog. Most afternoons I would take her over to Mellon Park where there was an unofficial dog park full of other dogs, and their owners, many of whom were unattached women. I did not meet my wife Barbara there, but it sure helped pass the time. Also, the line "would you like to come over and see my schnauzer" was a lot better than "would you like to come over and see my etchings!"
During this time I was heavily into road rallying and when I found myself without a navigator for some reason, I'd take Casey along. She quickly became known as Navidog.
Casey would regularly make the trip to Chicago with me, but she was (just) too big for an under seat carrier and had to ride in the hold. In Thankgiving of 1987 (I think) we were returning from Chicago and as I awaited her at the baggage claim out came Toto as well. My ex had been visiting her family at the same time. We both had parked our cars at the same off-airport parking facility and awkwardly rode the same bus. After we got to the car park both dogs were on leashes and given a chance to get reacquainted with each other. Toto basically ignored me and Casey because that is the kind of dog he was. Casey was happy to see Nikki and Toto because that is the kind of dog she was.
I fully credit Casey with helping me woo Barbara. She came over to meet my schnauzer in January of 1989 and hardly ever left! In July of 1991 we were married, but we'd been a family for most of the two+ years prior.
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Casey and Barb in Altoona, PA in 1989 |
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Koko and Barb in Pittsburgh in 1995 |
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Casey and Lizzy in Pittsburgh in 1995 |
A couple of years later, we decided that we really needed another schnauzer in our life and found a family nearby that bred them. We went to pick out a puppy from the litter and I picked one using the same method I had with Tag...the first one to come to me in a friendly way. But I was overruled by Barb and Lizzy and so we left with another pup. We took her to the vet to be checked and he heard a heart murmur and suggested that we take another puppy. So we ended up with the one I chose from the beginning and we named her Koko's Lacey. Lacey was a strange miniature schnauzer. The first time we put a collar on her she shrieked like she was being tortured. She loved everyone but she loved food more than anything else. She was easily twice the size of any miniature schnauzer we'd had before (well Tag was close but Tag wasn't as beefy as Lacey). She was so big we'd sometimes call her Bertha after the Big Bertha guns.
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Lacey in Pittsburgh approximately 2002 |
It turned out that the heart murmur that the vet heard in the other pup was present to a degree in Lacey as well, just not as obvious. She developed heart troubles and had to have an awful smelling enzyme mixed with her food. She loved it. We didn't.
In the meantime, Lizzy was in grade school and had started to take Spanish. Somewhere along the line she decided that we wanted a Chihuahua as our next dog, and it would be named Rosita Le Jos. (As far as anyone knows "Le Jos" means nothing in Spanish.) Whenever she (or Barb) would bring this up, I'd ask them which of Lacey or Koko they'd like to get rid of so that there would be room for the Chihauhua. This went on for some time until I made a mistake. I was heading off on a business trip in July 2004 when Barb asked me again. I let her know I was upset and then said the fatal words "if you have to get a damn Chihauhua go get a damn Chihuahua." Of course I meant the opposite, but Barb chose to understand me the way she wanted to and I came home to find a cute long-haired Chihuahua waiting for me.
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Rosita Le Jos in Pittsburgh in 2007 |
In early 2005, Barb started taking Rosita to "Doggy Day Care" to socialize her with other dogs. She was just beginning to play with other dogs and was romping around with a terrier when her eye-lid got caught in the s-clip attaching the terrier's dog tags to his collar. The local vet was unable to help and the eye specialist had no openings for a while so I planned to take her to Ohio State University in Columbus where they would be able to perform the surgery. A few days before she and I were ready for our road trip the local specialist called to tell us he had an opening and so we never made the road trip. Rosie's eye is fine now.
In late July and early August I went off on a trip to Las Vegas and when I returned Barb and Liz were out. When I saw them drive up I picked up Rosita to take her to see them and, in her excitement and desire to get to Barb and Liz, she nipped at my fingers and I reflexively let her go allowing her to fall onto the concrete driveway. She limped off to the bushes and I felt awful. We spent much of that evening at the emergency vet where she was pronounced fine, much to my relief.
From puppyhood to this day Rosita has had the habit of carrying around a stuffed toy when she comes to us. One of her early favorites was a beanie baby lobster. We call her "lobster dog" when she is carrying it. She also has the habit of waking us by jumping on our bed and walking on us...again, usually with a lobster or other stuffed toy in her mouth.
Unfortunately Koko, Lacey, and Rosita overlapped only about two months. In September of 2004 I was off riding trains in Montana and on this particular day I was sightseeing in Glacier Park when I receive a call from Barb that Koko had suffered a bad stroke and had to be put to sleep. She was 13 at the time.
In Summer 2007 Barb was out of commission for a few weeks due to recent back surgery. I had a minor outpatient procedure done at a local hospital and I was looking forward to a drug assisted sleep when I got home. Somehow after I got home Rosie and Lacey got into a fight and Rosie's ear started bleeding a lot. A trip to the emergency vet was in order but neither of us were able to drive. So a friend took Rosita and I to the vet and I sat in my drug induced haze while the vet checked her and said that she'd be ok. Ears, apparently, bleed a lot.
In 2008 Lacey's heart problems got worse and it was getting so we had to take her to the emergency vet every few weeks because she was having problems breathing. Finally the vet said it was time. I was alone with her and I can still picture her jumping on my leg before they took her away for the last time. I cried all the way home.
Rosita in her "food" corner...just after breakfast
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Maggie in Pittsburgh in 2011 |
And there things sit, though Barb and Lizzy are making noises about another dog again. You can be sure that I will be very careful in what I say to them...I hope.
Postscript: on Thanksgiving Day, November 27 we lost Rosita to her heart problems. She had just come home from a stay at the vet on Monday and we awoke on Thursday to a dog that was clearly miserable. We took her to the emergency vet that morning and by 3pm we had to make the decision to put her out of her misery. (Then we had to go on to a family Thanksgiving dinner. Life goes on.) Rosie is missed very much. Maggie is adjusting to life as the only dog in the family...hopefully not for long.
Rosita, November 24, 2014 |
Wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Reminders of my childhood.